

时间:2020年05月25日 .共发9482篇. 62关注



Dear Mom and Dad:

Hello, thank you very much for your care and dedication to me for so many years. Without you, I would not be able to spend a happy childhood, and I have been growing up and growing slowly with your care. I remember when I was in junior high school, because of a high fever, your very anxious appearance was always printed in my mind. But I don't know what caused the high fever suddenly, and it has not retreated for three or four days. At that time, because there was accommodation in the school, there was also an infirmary in the school. I read it in the past few days and did not achieve good results. It was just time to call and tell me what happened at home. After you learned that, you immediately took leave from your company and quickly picked me up at the school to be checked in the hospital. In the hospital, we arrived around 4 or 5 pm, and did not leave the hospital until 8 or 9 pm. You have been with me all the time. At the beginning, I was able to say a few words. Later, my mental state became worse and worse, so you stopped communicating and looked at me quietly beside me. When we returned home in the evening, you also bought me a small gift for me. Mom and Dad, I love you very much, and I wish you all good health and good luck in the end.



你们好,非常感谢你们这么多年对我的照顾和付出。如果没有你们的话,那么我就无法度过一个快乐童年,我一直都在你们的呵护下慢慢长大和成长。我还记得当初在初中的时候,因为一次高烧,你们那种非常着急的模样始终印在我的脑海深处。但是不知道因为什么原因突然发起了高烧,并且持续三四天的时间一直没有退下去。 那个时候因为在学校住宿,所以学校里面也是有医务室的。我在里面看了这几天都没有取得很好的效果,到时候正好打电话向家里告诉了我的情况。你们在得知之后立马向自己的公司请了假,迅速到学校接我去医院里面检查。



